Technology spillovers and government subsidies are two key factors affecting military enterprise technology in-novation. Based on theoretical analysis of the various influence factors of enterprise technology innovation research and development, with 22 listed military enterprise in our country as samples, this paper used panel data model and empiri- cally test the technology spillovers and governent subsidies influence on enterprise innovation behavior. The results show that technology spillovers are significantly negative correlation with listed military industry enterprises R&D production, the correlation coefficient is 0. 67. This manifest the technology spillovers damage listed military enterprise technology in-novation. Government subsidies are positive correlation with listed military enterprise technology innovation production,the correlation coefficient of 0. 16. This manifest government subsidies promote enterprise technology innovation research and development, but the effect is not very significant. The results and are consistent with the characteristics of military industry enterprises and law of military industry enterprises development. Military enterprise, therefore, should be through other ways such as technology innovation property right incentive mechanism to reduce spillovers damage to military en-terprise innovation power.