采用三维绘图软件Catia建立了A356铝合金汽车轮毂3D模型,运用Pro CAST软件对试制品进行了低压铸造充型过程和凝固过程的数值模拟。根据模拟结果,预测了使用初始工艺生产轮毂的缺陷。通过缺陷分析进行了工艺参数优化。结果表明,在模具420℃、浇注温度710℃、充型加压速度0.0018 MPa/s时,轮毂铸件缺陷得到消除,铸件质量得到改善。
3D model of A356 car wheel hub was established by using three-dimensional drawing software Catia. The filling and solidification processes of the trial-product in low-pressure casting process were numerically simulated by using Pro CAST software. According to the results of the simulation, the defects of car wheel hub produced by the initial process were predicted. The process parameters were optimized through the analysis of the defects. The results show that the wheel hub casting defects are eliminated and casting quality is improved under the mold of 420℃, the pouring temperature of 710℃and the filling pressure speed of 0.0018 MPa/s.