This paper studies how feature prediction is influenced by two types of category learning at uncertain classifying circumstance. One type of learning is stimulus by stimulus and another is category by category. Anderson (1991) provided a Bayesian analysis on feather predicting when categories are uncertain. For each object containing features F and each category k, one can predict the presence of a novel feature j by using the formula: P(j/F) =∑kP(k/F)·P(j、k). That is, one calculates for the object how likely it is to be in each category k and how likely that category is to contain the property in question. Then one sums across all the categories in order to make the prediction. In short, this proposal is that people use multiple categories to make predictions when the categorization is uncertain. Murphy & Ross (1994) argued that people make category-based inductions basing on only one category, even when they are not certain that the object is in that category. They found that even if participants give a fairly low rating of their confidence in the category it does not lead them to use multiple categories at making prediction. That is, one can predict the presence of a novel feature j by using the formula: P(j/F) =P(k/F)·P(j/k). The experiments used the learning-transfer-paradigm which has three phases: learning phase, filler phaseand transfer phase. 244 participants took part in two experiments. In experiment 1, participants stopped learning until they completed 4 blocks (64 trials), and in experiment 2 until they reached an accuracy of combination of 80%. In learning phase there were two learning ways: one was stimulus by stimulus (experiment lb and 2b) and another was categories by categories (experiment 1a and 1b) and participants reacted basing on conditions and received feedback from tester. In transfer phase participants conducted same task as learning phase except that no feedback was given during transfer. The results in experiment