目的 本研究旨在探索危机救援人员的抗逆力结构及测量问卷.方法 采用关键事件访谈、团体焦点访谈和大规模问卷调查对抗逆力结构进行探索和验证.结果 通过对问卷项目的信效度分析和验证性因素分析,发现危机救援人员的抗逆力是一个5因素结构,包括:理性应对、坚强人格、乐观感、自我效能感、柔性适应.结论 基于应急情境下的危机救援人员的抗逆力问卷具有良好的信度和效度,这为今后开展应急管理的相关实证研究提供了理论依据和测量工具.
Objective This study aimed to investigate the construct of resilience of Chinese rescuer and de- veloped Resilience Questionnaire. Method Behavior Event Interview , Group Focus Interviews and Question- naire Investigation was the methods used by this study. Result Resilience of Chinese rescuer on nonconven- tional emergency was a five-dimension construct, which included rational coping, hardiness, optimism, self-ef- ficacy and flexible adaption through Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Conclusion Resilience Questionnaire of Chinese rescuer based on emergency showed a suitable reliability and high validi- ty.This research will provide the measurement tool and the theoretic foundation for other researchers in future.