Danwei system is the basic tool constructed in the period of planned economy to achieve Chinese modernity, whose research is an important perspective to understand history and interpret the transition, and whose positive factors will be part of those important urban planning ideas. Danwei system research has experienced a his- tory of more than 30 years, concerning sociology, geography, planning, etc. In general, the institutional research has more achievements, and the researches of Danwei space and Danwei society are still in need. The Danwei sys- tem origin research has perspectives of path dependence and resource constraint, but without enough tangibility. A uniform opinion of the stages of Danwei system formation and development has not come into being. Since the tran- sition, different Danweis have experienced different transitional paths with different effects. Though the existed re- search has covered different Danweis, a general judgment is not clear enough. As for spatial research, material re- search has more achievements but still needs more interpretation. Behavior and social space research is not enough relatively. The transition from Danwei community to urban community has attracted much attention, but the transi- tional paths, stages, mechanism, effects and optimizing strategies still need more study.