生产性服务业的空间特征与城市发展及其空间结构具有密切的关系,二者相互影响相互作用。基于武汉市2003和2012年生产性服务业的总量数据和地理数据,对武汉市生产性服务业的发展水平、空间分布总体现状进行了分析,并利用GIS和Crimestat 技术手段对生产性服务业的空间集聚及其演变趋势进行研究。结论表明,武汉市目前的生产性服务业还处于中低水平的空间集聚,集聚中心和次级中心并存,主要为武汉市独特的城市形态和政府调控及城市规划影响所致;演变过程中集聚的同时有分散,并且有追随城市边缘地区工业园区发展的趋势。
The paper analyzes the development level and the general spatial pattern of producer services in Wuhan City based on the aggregated data and geographic data in 2003 and 2012 respectively , also spatial agglomer-ation pattern and changing trends are explored through GIS and Crimestat software based on the individual location of producer services establishments .The results demonstrate that producer services cluster spatially on low-middle level in Wuhan City with concentration and sub-concentration center coexisting , which result from the specific ur-ban form of Wuhan and the government intervening and the urban planning as well .From the dynamic perspective , agglomeration happens with dispersion , what is more, the industry parks situated on the urban fringe could have the bias to direct the future spatial path of some producer services .The paper make conclusion that Wuhan City has the potential to develop a multiple-central metropolitan .