基于理想弹塑性力学理论计算、FLAC3D数值模拟分析与多处矿区工程实践,得到宁东试验矿井现采区段留设的40 m煤柱宽度明显偏大。采用现场综合试验,监测受工作面采动影响前后,16组空心包体三维应变的实时增量、不同煤柱宽度(10 m,20 m)试验巷道的围岩应力与变形动态变化。试验结果表明:40 m宽度煤柱内存在明显的低应力增量弹性核区,该区域是巷道布置的有利位置;试验采面侧向支承压力的超前影响范围约45 m,随着采面推进,本区段40 m煤柱内采动应力峰值逐步由侧壁向其深处传递,第一主应力增量逐渐衰减;10 m煤柱宽度试验巷道的平均变形小于20 m煤柱巷道。综合以上理论计算与井下试验监测结果,确定出试验工作面特定区段煤柱设计的合理宽度范围(8.9~12.5 m),从而为类似地质采矿条件下区段煤柱宽度设计提供经验指导。
Based on the theoretical calculation of the ideal elastic-plastic mechanics, FLAC3D numeri-cal simulation analysis and multiple mining engineering practice, it could be judged that the forty-meter width of the coal pillar is significantly larger in Ningdong test mining sublevel. The in-situ underground combined test is implemented to have a real-time monitor of sixteen hollow inclusions’ 3D strain, the dynamic change of stress and deformation of the surrounding rocks in test roadways with coal pillars of different width (ten meters and twenty meters) pre and post the mining-induced influence of the working face. Test results show that there exists obvious core zone with significantly lower memory elastic stress in the coal pillar of forty-meter width, which is a favorable location for the roadway layout; the ad-vanced influence radius of mining-induced pressure is about forty-five meters, with the advance of the work face, mining-induced stress peak is gradually passed to the depths of the coal pillar during which stress increment constantly attenuates. Affected by mining-induced function, the original equilibrium state of the coal pillar 3D principle stresses gradually deteriorates, and, the test roadway with coal pillar of 10-meter width suffers less deformation than that of 20-meter width. Based on the above theoretical calculations and underground test results a reasonable width scope of district sublevel coal pillar design can be found (8.9 m to 12.5 m) in the test mine under specific geological condition, which provides em-pirical guides for the width design of district sublevel coal-rock pillar under similar mining conditions.