为评价地铁列车与路面交通振动对某科研机构实验室内精密仪器的影响,在该实验室内对交通环境振动响应进行了全天候连续测试监控.将不同交通工况下实验室振动响应与电镜安装的环境振动要求进行比较.结果表明:钢弹簧浮置板轨道对控制室内振动响应作用明显,总的交通环境振动超过仪器安装对振动的要求,应采取必要的被动隔振措施.建议被动隔振平台的工作频率应小于4 Hz,且在5 Hz附近的隔振量不能低于5.5 dB.
In order to estimate traffic-generated vibration influence on sensitive instruments in a labora- tory building of one research institute, vibration measurement was performed in the laboratory. Com- pared different traffic conditions with vibration criteria of TEMs for installation, results show that floating slab track with steel spring is efficient to mitigate the train-induced vibration level. Environ- mental vibrations induced by traffic are larger than the limits of criteria and affect the instruments in the laboratory. Some more passive isolation measures should be taken to ensure instruments could be installed and work without vibration disturbance in the laboratory. The work frequencies of passive isolator are suggested not to be larger than 4Hz and its transmissibility should be at least 5.5 dB around 5 Hz.