We used cross-language instant semantic priming and long-term priming under semantic decision tasks (biological property judgment) to investigate the time course of the influence of non-target language on target language in language switching for fluent bilinguals. Chinese was designed to be the target language and English the non-target language in Experiment 1; English to be the target language and Chinese to be the non-target language in Experiment 2. Twenty-three Chinese/English bilinguals (21-25 years old) participated in Experiment 1 and twenty-four (21-25 years old) took part in Experiment 2. Semantic relatedness was controlled based on a rating procedure conducted with 20 Chinese/English bilinguals using a Likert scale (1 = unrelated, 5 = strongly related). Semantically related pairs were significantly more related than semantically unrelated pairs (all ps .001). All words were presented one by one at fixation for 1000 ms. Block order and response sides were counter-balanced to do away with the order effect. The participants were asked to finish biological property judgment in the experiment, which contains two parts: instant semantic priming and long-term priming. Our results: In Experiment 1, the time courses of the semantically related pairs and semantically unrelated pairs were not significantly different from each other either in instant semantic priming or in long-term priming. In Experiment 2, in the condition of instant semantic priming, the time course of the semantically related pairs was significantly shorter than that of the semantically unrelated pairs, while the difference in long-term priming was not significant. In conclusion, the two experiments’ results showed that instant priming occurred only when English acted as the target language and Chinese as the non-target language; cross-language long-term priming did not occur in Experiment 1 or Experiment 2. There was an asymmetry of semantic priming in late fluent bilinguals.