Using 16 microsatellite loci we estimated the parentage of 647 progeny in 10 Jian Carp full-sib families. Cervus 3.0 analysis showed that mean PIC value of 16 microsatellites, mean number of allele, and mean expected het- erozygosity were 0.7025, 6.63, and 0.7405, respectively. The combined probability of exclusion was 0.99922456 when both parents were unknown and the combined probability of exclusion was 0.99999557 when only one of the parental genotype was known, with the confidence level of 95%. Further simulations based on allele frequencies suggested that to achieve the requirements of paternity test usually took 8 to 12 microsatellite loci when both parents were unknown and 5 to 8 microsa- tellite loci when one parent was known. Out of 647 progenies, 94.6% were assigned to their parental pairs without the in- formation of both parents in parentage analysis, which were lower than the theoretical assignment rates predicted by the Cervus simulations. This could be explained by the relationship between the candidate parents or existence of null and by typing errors. The identification of 9 families was useful for linkage analysis of Jian Carp and QTL location, also for marker assisted selection for economical traits.