针对燃油价格剧烈波动条件下的远洋干线集装箱班轮航速和航线配船优化问题,通过分析远洋干线各航段货运量与港口对需求量、班轮航速与航线配船数量及燃油消耗量之间的关系,构建班轮航速与航线配船优化非线性规划模型,并设计逐步逼近求解算法,通过实例分析验证模型和算法的有效性及适用性。结果 表明:基于航速优化策略,通过在不同航线上合理地配置船舶类型和数量,可明显降低班轮运输成本;依据燃油价格变化,适时采取“加船减速”或“减船加速”策略,可有效提高船公司的经济效益。
Taken the sharp fluctuation of bunker fuel price into account, the relationship between container transportation volumes of each leg and OD flow between any two ports is analyzed. The relationships among the containership speed, the number of deployed containerships and fuel consumption are illustrated. A nonlinear programming model is established to optimize the eontainership speed and fleet planning. To solve the model, a successive approximation algorithm is devised. A case study verifies the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed model and algorithm. Experiment results show that the liner shipping costs can be reduced significantly by the speed optimization strategy, allocating reasonable types and number of containerships in different routes. In view of the changes of fuel price, liner companies should appropriately chose the strategy of "adding ship and slow down its speed" or "reducing ship and accelerate its speed" , which will effectively improve their economic benefits.