2005年7月-2006年6月对三峡水库湖北库区最大支流香溪河的大型底栖动物进行定量采集,并对所得数据进行了数理统计分析及生态位分析.结果表明,香溪河水系大型底栖动物物种丰富度在不同季节、不同支流间差异均显著;密度在各季节间差异显著.四节蜉、高翔蜉、锯形蜉、朝大蚊和扁蜉生态位较宽;Tetropina sp.、短尾石蝇、黑蝇生态位较窄.四节蜉、高翔蜉、锯形蜉、朝大蚊与其它分类单元生态位重叠值较大,黑蝇、短尾石蝇、直突摇蚊、Tetropina sp.与其它分类单元生态位重叠值较小.相对丰度和生态位宽度对生态位重叠值有重要影响.大型底栖动物主要通过在资源位上的分布、生态位重叠值大小,以及摄食类群和生活型等的差异缓解竞争.
Macroinvertebrates were quantitatively investigated in the Xiangxi River, the largest tributary in Hubei portion of the Three-Gorge Reservoir, from July 2005 to June 2006. The data and niche were analyzed, and the results showed that species richness was significantly different among seasons and tributaries of the Xiangxi River, and density was significantly different among seasons. Beatis sp., Epeorus sp., Serratella sp., Antocha sp. and Heptagenia sp. had large niche breadths, while Tetropina sp., Nemoura sp. and Simulium sp. had narrow niche breadths. The total niche overlaps of Beatis sp., Epeorus sp., Serratella sp. and Antocha sp. were high, but those of Simulium sp., Nemoura sp., Orthcladius sp. and Tetropina sp. were low. The niche overlap was significantly impacted by niche breadth and relative abundance. Distribution, niche overlap, the functional feeding groups and habit/behavior groups were the main way for them to allay their competition.