兆瓦级燃气内燃机发电机组是垃圾填埋气发电中所采用的主要机型,为了了解其烟气NOx排放状况,分别对两个不同型号和制造商的填埋气发电机组的排放性能进行了测试。结果显示:填埋气发动机的NOx排放浓度较高,但随着发电功率负荷的增加呈现降低的变化趋势,其中,NO2所占比重较大,且NO2/NO比值随发电负荷的增加而增加。由于在所测试的负荷工况中,烟气NOx浓度均高于500 mg/m3的排放限值,因此,对填埋气发电机组进行脱硝治理成为需要关注的一项工作。
Utilization of landfill gas is mainly to power generation through burning in internal combustion engine, in which the 1 MW scaled engines are dominantly used. In order to investigate the NOxemissions condition of landfill gas engine, two types of engines form different manufacturers were tested under normal working operation. Results showed that NOxconcentration in gas flue was quite high, and it was reducing with the increased of power load. The NO2 consists evidently percentage of NOx,and the ratio of NO2/NO increased with increasing power load. As all the measured NOxconcentrations in emission flue were higher than the required limitation i.e. 500mg/m3,the work of flue gas denitrification for landfill gas engine becomes quite necessary.