Objeetlve:To determine the expression of NF-kB activation species of grafts in the early pre-rejection postoperative period after corneal transplantation. Methods: The donor and acceptor corneas of two groups of mice were studied after receiving an allo- ( C57BL/10 to BALB/c) or autograft (BALB/c). Autograft was treated as control group. Graft rejection was observed by blomicroscopy. Grafted eyes were removed at specified times and examined histologically. NF-kB activation was assayed using ELISA-based transactivation TransAM kit. Results:Corneal rejection was characterized by opaque corneas with prominent neovascularization. NF-kB activation in cornea was significantly increased compared the to autograft following corneal transplantation. Conclusion:The results indicate that NF-kB activation increases in allograft corneal.