被忽视的热带病(Neglected tropical diseases,NTDs)是一组地方性传染病,主要流行于贫穷、湿热的热带与热带病地区。2012年1月WHO发布的2020年全球NTDs防治战略——"加快消除被忽视的热带病对全球的影响:行动路线图"(简称路线图)以及由全球合作伙伴联合签署的《对抗NTDs伦敦宣言》标志着NTDs的控制与消除已被纳入到全球公共卫生日程。本文旨在以全球卫生治理的视角对当前的NTDs防治策略进行全面的解读,对中国参与国际合作的途径进行探讨。
Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are common infections of the poorest people of the world. The WHO publica tion of a roadmap that lays out the vision for ending the misery caused by NTDs has inspired the London Declaration on NTDs, which demonstrates that the global publichealth agenda now embraces NTDs. This review discusses the advantages of global health governance in overcoming NTDs, and points out the potential ways of the involvement of China in global health through in ternational collaboration.