液晶显示器(UD)是现代电子产品中应用非常广泛的一种显示设备。在使用时需通过接口控制器与控制芯片进行数据交换,接口控制器的性能会直接影响到显示效果。针对LG.PHILIPS LCD公司的LB064V02液晶屏,给出了一种基于NiosⅡ处理器的控制器设计方法。经测试,可以满足要求,性能更高的控制器可以在此基础上进行设计开发。
LCD is one of the most popular display in modem electronic devices. It needs controller. The performance of interface controller can affect the display directly. Give a method to design a controller to LB064V02 TFTLCD of LG. PHILIPS LCD based on Nios Ⅱ. It is proved that the controller can meet the requirement,and more eapabih controller can be designed based on it.