1病例资料 患者,男,11岁,因"反复晕厥、抽搐8年,加重1周"入院。患者自4岁起运动或受惊吓后反复发生晕厥,伴抽搐,偶出现胸闷及大小便失禁,无口角歪斜、吐白沫、头晕、胸痛、恶心、呕吐等症状,数分钟后可自行清醒。该患者数年来就诊于当地多家医院,均被诊断为"癫痫",先后经多种抗癫痫药物(丙戊酸钠、奥卡西平和丙戊酸镁等)治疗无效。
An 11-year-old boy with exercise and extreme fear induced syncope and convulsion since the age of4 years was described.He was diagnosed with epilepsy,but the attacks continued after treatment with antiepileptic drugs in the local hospitals.When he was admitted to our department,bidirectional and polymorphic ventricular arrhythmias were captured via exercise testing.The patient remained arrhythmic event free with a full dose ofβ-adrenergic receptor blocker therapy(118.75mg/d)in 2years of follow-up.