There is no need for China's Going Out Strategy aiming at the competitive industries and products in other developing countries.Well,as a emerging,developing economy,China's international investment and trade raised enough attention,both from other developing countries and developed countries.China's involvement in international trade and investment has a negative impact on local economy in terms of poor quality and bad reputation.It does nothing good to China's international image,either does it gain more profit for Chinese enterprises.Further more,it causes misperceptions for the western world to China and oriental countries.China's going out strategy need adjusting.More capital intensive and technology intensivve industries and products need to be transfered to African countries as one part of whole story of sustainable development.Take the textile industry of South Africa as an example,the RCA,MIIT and the whole set of indicators of which from 1990 to 2010 show that,the investment and trade of China in South Africa need a systematically improvement.Therefore,Chinese enterprises in South Africa may have to produce more job opportunities to local communities and aiming at the high end of the market.