Luminescent quantum dots (QDs)-semiconduetor nanocrystals are a promising alternative to organic dyes for fluorescence-based applications. They have unique optical and electronic properties, with size-tunable light emission, superior signal brightness, resistance to photobleaching, and broad absorption spectra for simultaneous ex- citation of multiple fluorescence colors. Also QDs provide a versatile nanoscale scaffold for designing multifunctional nanoparticles with both imaging and therapeutic function. When linked with targeting ligands such as antibodies, pe- ptides or small molecules, QDs can be used to target cells biomarkers as well as tumor vasculatures with high affinity and specificity. Researchers have developed procedures for using QDs cellular and in vivo animals imaging so far, demonstrated their use for long-term multieolor imaging of live cells and in vivo. The photo-characters are introduced and the implications of quantum dots in biological imaging are illustrated, and the future of quantum dots is look ahead.