In order to gain an in-depth insight into the vibration characteristics of the rolling element bearing, the deep-groove ball bearing 6304 is taken as the investigation object and the flexible multibody finite element model for a 3D contact nonlinear dynamic problem of the bearing-pedestal system is established, taking account of the deformation of the pedestal and the races. To capture the nonlinear characteristics of the bearing stiffness, a method for calculating the time-varying stiffness of the bear- ing is put forward and its time-varying characteristics during running process is studied. Based on the consideration of nonlinear factors such as time-varying stiffness, radial clearance, nonlinear contact, the nonlinear numerical simulation of the running process is made and the vibration accelerations of the inner race, the outer race and the rolling element of the bearing are ob- tained. The vibration characteristics of the inner-race, the outer-race and the rolling element in time domain and frequency do- main are also analyzed. The effect of the radial clearance on the vibration characteristics of the bearing is also studied. The re- suits could provide a theoretical basis for reducing the vibration and the noise of the bearing, and also for running state monito- ring.