Risks of C2C electronic trading,such as its virtuality, anonymity, asymmetry of time and space make the problem of credit system in each big trading platform increasingly prominent, so opening up a new research field. Through the analysis of the existing C2C credit evaluation model, the paper points out its defects,and studies the strateggic choices of the seller and the buyer in the transaction stage and evaluation stage respectively, using the "static game" and evolutionary game based on the "Replicate Dynamic". The research results show that factors, such as credit of buyers, credit of sellers, complaints mechanism of third party platform and punishment mechanism in the existing evaluation mechanism could influence the strategy choices of buyers and sellers in electronic trading. In order to solve the C2C credit crisis, and promote the sustainable development of C2C e-commerce, it is necessary to build a new credit evaluation system by using the three indicators of amount of the transaction, the seller credit,and the buyer credit. On this basis, a new credit evaluation algorithm can be established based on the method of weighted mean, finally forming a more scientific and feasible dynamic C2C credit evaluation model.