当前装修施工单位各工种技能人员调排不当,导致装修施工工期延迟或浪费.文中以增加多技能员工的有效利用为前提,考虑多技能人力资源约束条件,以工期最优化为目标建立数学模型,采用蚁群算法,M A T L A B 编程仿真求解.
This paper consider nowadays various types of skilled personnel arrangements are not properly in decorationconstruction u n it, which leads decoration construction period delay or w aste, so as to increase multi - skilled workers effective useas a premise to solve the objective time optimization considering the constraints of multi skilled human resources, to build amathematical model for the goal to optimize the construction period, the use of ant colony algorithm, M A T L A B programmingsimulation.