为了调查温榆河沉积物中雌激素物质的污染状况,采用超声萃取、GC/MS法研究了6种常用雌激素(包括己烯雌酚DES、雌酮E1、雌二醇E2、乙炔基雌二醇EE2、雌三醇E3和戊酸雌二醇EV)在北京温榆河上游及干流表层沉积物中的含量水平,并对其分布及来源情况进行了分析.结果显示,温榆河沉积物中6种雌激素的总含量范围为0.39~36.6 ng/g,平均浓度为10.2ng/g,其中E1和E2在所有样点均有检出,并且在每个样点均表现出E1的浓度高于E2的浓度,其它4种雌激素只在部分样点有检出.6种雌激素的总含量与沉积物中总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)含量呈显著正相关,结合采样点周边入河污染源分布情况,判断其主要来自沿岸入河排污口和污染支流,与国外已经有分析数据的研究区域相比,该河流中部分雌激素的含量处于中等或偏高水平。
To investigate the pollution levels, occurrence and distribution of estrogens, six estrogens in the surface sediments of Wenyuhe River were analyzed quantitatively by GC/MS following uhrasonicated extraction including diethylstilbestrol ( DES), estrone ( E1 ), β- estradiol ( E2 ), 17a-ethynylestradiol(EE2), estriol(E3), and β-estradiol 17-valerate (EV). Six estrogen concentrations ranged from 0.39-36.6 ng/g and the mean concentration was 10.2 ng/g. E1 and E2 were detected in all samples while other four estrogens were only detected in a few samples, and the concentrations of E1 was higher than those of E2 in all samples. There were significant correlation relationships between the concentrations of six estrogens and the concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC), total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) in sediments. Considering also the characteristics of the sampling locations and pollution sources, six estrogens should come from wastewater discharges along the river and the contaminated tributaries. The contents of estrogens in this area are medium or slightly higher level compared with other areas abroad.