Based on the fact that there are many difficulties to control the movement of ultraprecise platform used widely in optoelectronic packaging and to analyze the complex relationship between the end coordinate and those motion axis, the geometry of the serial mechanism and the relationships between single-DOF motion axis and the attitude and position of the end coordinate were studied. The main procedures were as follows. At first, based on the D-H equation applied in serial mechanism, coordinate transformation that revealed relations of axis of motion on its position and attitude was analyzed, the equation of motion that connected the movement axis and the position and orientation of the fiber array was established. Then, axis motion constraint equation was derived from that motion equation regarding the terminal spot as the zero point. At last, the movement compensation equation of translation axis was obtained from the eonstraint equation under the condition that only rotation axis was activated. The results show that the space range of the origin spot movement is significantly reduced and the proportion of the reducing is approximate to the subdivision, by subdividing the travel of rotational axis uniformly and eompensating to adjust the translation axis travel accordingly.