The morphological characteristics of the respiratory organs in African ostrich chicks were observed by the means of gross anatomy and histology. The results showed that mucosa of palatum durum are smooth,on which the papillae distribute fewly;A couple of mucosa reductus were discovered in the ringent wall of choanae which situated in pharyngeal portion; The broad and serration marginal arytenoid cartilage is concrescent with annular cartilage;The trachea rnucosa,with the small quantitative goblet cell in epithelium,the presence of small amount homeocyte in its lamina propria which is a layer of dense connective tissue, the cartilagines tracheales present with the shape of ‘C' ;5 to 6 pieces of cartilage flap are composed of bronchial cartilage;the atrium are small,which did not lay out radiatively with the center of parabronchus, plenty of blood vessel situate in the respiration capillary. These results indicated that the inspiratory organs in ostrich chicks is not mature,its structure is more peculiar.