Words processed under a survival scenario have a remarkable advantage over those processed in other deep processing conditions (e.g. pleasantness rating, self-reference, moving scenario, and intentional learning). This robust phenomenon is known assurvival-processing advantage effect. Nairne, Thompson and Pandeirada (2007) suggested that our memory systems were naturally adjusted to process and store fitness-relevant information which was beneficial to surviving and reproducing. However, this evolutionary-based explanation has little empirical support. The current study aimed to confirm this assumption directly. According to the assumption that the survival-processing advantage effect is due to the pressure brought by natural selection, we inferred that it should be equally found among individuals of different ages. Meanwhile, considering the fitness-relevance assumption, processing words in other fitness-relevant contexts using the same paradigm as survival processing should also yield better memory. Two experiments were conducted in the current study. In the first experiment, 300 participants were randomly chosen from five age groups (8, 10, 12, 21, and 64 years old). The participants were then assigned to the primitive hunting scenario or the hunting contest scenario. Primitive hunting scenario described a dangerous surrounding which participants imagined to hunt for the survival of their tribe. By contrast, the hunting contest scenario did not involve life safety. In this scenario, participants were instructed to imagine taking a hunting contest. All the participants were also asked to assess to what extent each word was relevant to the activities in the imaginative scenario. The instructions for the free recall appeared unexpectedly after a two-minute distraction task. In the second experiment, 150 undergraduates were randomly recruited and assigned to one of the five rating tasks: survival, mate selection, pregnancy, raising a child, and self-reference. The survival scenario needed participant