在战略联盟形成过程中,企业高层管理者会根据自身的战略需要,与潜在合作伙伴进行谈判并商定恰当的联盟形式,这对联盟的未来发展以及企业合作目标的实现都具有重要意义。本文探讨企业内部的战略导向---企业家导向对联盟形成决策的影响,主要内容包括企业家导向型企业如何选择恰当的联盟治理结构( alliance governance structure )、联盟范围( alliance scope)和计划合作期限( planned time boundedness),并进一步分析过去联盟经验( past alliance experience)对上述关系的调节作用。本文的样本包含205家联盟企业,每个企业选择2个关键信息提供者( two key informants),共410份样本数据。基于这些数据的分析表明,企业家导向型企业更倾向于选择股权结构、宽泛的联盟范围以及开放的合作期限。此外,联盟经验负向调节企业家导向与计划合作期限的关系,但对其余两个关系的调节作用未获得统计支持。文章最后对研究的理论价值和实践意义进行了讨论。
Alliance formation research suggests that choosing appropriate alliance forms is an important mecha-nism in achieving cooperative goals. This study extends prior alliance formation research by bridging two previ-ously separated domains-entrepreneurship and strategic alliances-together. Specifically,we explore the in-fluences of entrepreneurial orientation on a set of decisions involved in the alliance formation process,inclu-ding decisions on alliance governance structure,alliance scope,and planned time boundedness. Moreover,we also examine the moderating effects of past alliance experience on the relationships between entrepreneurial ori-entation and alliance formation decisions. Data on 205 paired partner firms in China indicate that a higher lev-el of entrepreneurial orientation will be associated with equity-based governance structure,broad alliance scope,and open time boundedness. Results also suggest that past alliance experience positively moderates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and planned time boundedness.