天津市是一个能源对外依赖性非常高的城市,因此,节约能源、提高能源效率是天津市国民经济发展的必 由之路.我们用0LS法,分析了天津市1995年 至 2013年能源消费结构变动对能源效率的影响.首先以煤炭消费比 重表示能源消费结构,分析能源消费结构变动对能源效率的影响,然后分别具体分析煤炭、石油和天然气的边际效 率以及它们之间的边际替代率.最后得出结论能源效率与煤灰消费占比负相关;煤炭的边际效率比石油的小;降 低煤灰消费比重,提高石油和天然气比重可以提高能源效率.
Tianjin is largely dependent on other places in energy. Therefore, to save energy and improve energy efficiency is the necessary way to develop national economy in Tianjin. By using the OLS method,the article analyzes the impact of energy consumption structure change on energy efficiency in Tianjin from 1995 to 2013. Firstly,it studies the impact of energy consumption structure change expressed by the proportion of coal consumption on energy efficiency. Then it respectively analyzes the marginal efficiency of coal, oil and natural gas and the marginal rate of substitution among them. Finally,it draws the following conclusions: the coal consumption ratio is negatively related to the energy efficiency;the marginal efficiency of coal is smaller than that of oil; and to reduce the proportion of coal consumption and increase the proportion of oil and natural gas can improve energy efficiency.