当电网侧发生故障或负荷突变时,大规模风电并网直流输电系统的可靠性和稳定性受到冲击。针对系统的安全、稳定运行,文章提出在受端配置超导储能装置(SMES)的风火打捆经直流输电并网拓扑结构。基于双馈风力发电机组和VSC-HVDC系统设计了SMES的控制策略。受端电网发生短路故障或负荷突变时,超导储能装置能保证电网受到干扰后快速恢复,在向系统补偿无功功率的同时提供一定有功支撑,克服故障带给系统的不利影响。通过DIg SILENT软件仿真结果表明:该方案能够有效控制电源侧和电网侧母线电压和频率,改善并网风电场暂态稳定能力以及故障穿越能力,能更好地保证并网系统可靠、稳定运行。
When connecting to a DC transmission system, the reliability and stability of a large scale wind farm will be easily impacted by faults or load changing in power grid side. In order to operate se- curely and stably, this paper putting forward a magnetic energy storage superconducting (SMES) sys- tem using at the end of a wind-thermal bundling HVDC system. The control strategy of SMES based on double fed wind power generation was designed.When faults or load changing in power grid side, SMES will operate to ensure a quick recovery in system and support both active and reactive power to over- come the adverse effect.Simulation results by DIgSILENT software showing that this scheme can effec- tively control the voltage and frequency of the power on sending and receiving side, and also improving the transient stability of grid connected wind farm and the ability of fault crossing.This system can make a better stability of grid connecting and operating.