利用"驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应(DPSIR)"框架构建了生态评价指标体系。建立了基于核主成分分析的生态评价模型,并对中国10个副省级城市的生态状况进行了分析。创新与特色一是将人的需求、经济发展和社会进步等要素纳入DPSIR概念框架构建指标体系,克服了现有生态评价片面关注环境与资源状况或只关注环境保护与治理状况的不足。二是通过比较各备选核函数对应的核矩阵与最优核矩阵的相似度确定了最优核函数和最优核参数,改变了现有研究的核函数和核参数随意选取的问题。三是通过对评价指标和评价系数进行属性聚类确定影响生态评价的关键因素,改变了核主成分分析无法判断关键影响因素的问题。四是研究结果表明,影响中国副省级城市生态状况最重要的指标分别是人均绿色GDP、人均绿地面积、空气质量和万元GDP SO2排放强度;而人均居民生活用电量、人口密度和人口自然增长率对其影响很小;影响中国副省级城市生态状况的最重要的评价准则依次是驱动力、状态、压力和响应。
This paper constructes the ecosystem comprehensive evaluation index system framework using Driving-force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response(DPSIR) conceptual model.The evaluation model is established using kernel principle component analysis(KPCA) to determine the index weight and improved normalization method to compute index score.At the same time,the paper makes empirical analysis on the ten vice-province cities.The contributions lie on four aspects.Firstly,the paper constructes index system using DPSIR conceptual framework,and bring human demand,economic development and social progress into the system.It is much better than the existing research which only considered the status of environment and resources or the status of environmental protection and pollution treatment.Secondly,the paper determines the optimal kernel function and the optimal kernel parameters by comparing the similarity of the best kernel matrix and the kernel matrix of the alternative kernel function.This solves the problem of choosing the kernel function and kernel parameters.Thirdly,the paper analyzes the key factors of ecological condition through R clustering.This changes the conditions that the meaning of principle component is not clear and the existing researches are unable to determine the key factors.Fourthly,the result reflects that the major factors affecting the ecological condition are the per-capita green GDP,the per-capita green area,the air quality and the SO2 emission intensity of per ten thousand yuan GDP.Where as the per-capita electricity consumption of resident,population density and the natural growth rate of population have less effects.Viewing from criteria layer,the importance of criteria layers can be ordered as followed: Driving-force,State,Pressure and Response.