提出了一种用于视网膜修复的电路,它由射频能量处理单元和光控振荡阵列构成。能量处理单元将谐振感应的射频能量信号处理成光控振荡阵列所需的1.8V、3mA直流电源,电压敏感系数为6mV/V。光控振荡阵列是整个电路的核心。该阵列每个像元都是一个独立的振荡单元,其输出信号的频率与入射光强度成比例,且在电路的动态范尉内,输出信号脉宽始终保持恒定。在标准0.6μm CMOS工艺卜完成了电路的设计和流片。测试结果表明,本文提出的视网膜修复电路具有动态范围大(约72dB)、功耗小(1.6~3.3μW/pixel)和像元面积小(约2500um^2)等优点,适合用于视网膜修复。
This paper proposes a CMOS retinal prosthesis circuit, which is made up of an RF powering unit and a light controlled oscillating array for recovering visual capabilities of some kind blindness. The RF powering telemetry exhibits an excellent supply independency in a wide input voltage range and a 6 mV/V supply sensitivity is acquired; and it can output a stable DC voltage of 1.8V for the light controlled oscillating array. The light controlled oscillating array is the core of the proposed retinal prosthesis circuit, and its each pixel acts as an independent oscillator whose frequency is controlled by the incident light intensity. The circuit has been fabricated in standard 0.6 μm CMOS process. A dynamic range of 72 dB and power consumption of 1.6-3.3 μW per pixel are achieved; and each pixel occupies approximately 50μm×50μm areas. It is suitable for high integration densities of pixels owing to the small pixel size, and it is applicable to retinal prosthesis because of its high dynamic range and low power consumption.