Southern Fujian, well-known as a Buddhism realm, is the convergent area of multi-religions. Zhu-xi was Tongan county registrar of Quanzhou prefecture during his early official career, while at his old age he chaired as magistrate of Zhangzhou prefecture, from which to form countless ties with southern Fujian multi-religions. Before securing his official position in Quanzhou, Zhu-xi had an intermixed learning:not only being edified by Confucius, Mencius, and idealist philosophy of the two Mr. Chen,but also often consulted Buddhist, visited the temples and practiced Buddhism. At the early stage of his official position in Tongan, Zhu-xi once indulged himself in Buddhism, nevertheless due to the political, economic and cultural reality of the whole Southern Song dynasty society as eye- viewed from Tongan county and Quanzhou prefecture, which made him get divorced from Buddhism and be re-affiliated to Confucius. The incident of Hu-jia~s setting up multi-storey building (Islamic temple) in Quanzhou provided references for him to deal with the challenges from Buddhism along with Manichean. Zhu-xi occasionally got involved with southern Fujian Manichean (Zoroastrianism) during his official career in Quanzhou, nevertheless when he took charge of Zhangzhou as magistrate he forbade it. In conclusion, Zhu-xi dealt with southern Fujian Multi-religions in a way of merging them but not of tolerating them.