Sections 1 through 3 of the full paper explain our observability analysis mentioned in the titile, which we believe is effective and whose core consists of: ( 1 ) in the leader-follower structure, the leader can use high preci- sion navigation system for precise localization but the follower is equipped with only low precision navigation sys- tem ; thus, the followers need to combine the range measurements to the leader for underwater localization ; (2) ai- ming at finding the influence of control inputs on the observability properties, we develop a kinematics model of the followers in the leader's body coordinate system; considering the range measurements as the observation, we per- form an observability analysis for the cooperative localization with different control inputs with nonlinear observabili- ty rank condition based on Lie derivatives. Simulation results, presented in Figs. 2 through 4, and their analysis show preliminarily that, for the observable system, the position estimation of each follower has a good convergence and positioning accuracy.