研究了自主水下航行器(AUV)的路径跟踪问题,将跟踪控制问题分为导引和控制2部分。导引部分基于视线导引(Line of Sight)原理输出AUV的参考航向,针对AUV的参数不确定性及海流干扰等特点,航向控制器采用变结构控制律计算舵角控制输入,在此基础上,将航向控制器与路径跟踪控制器并行结合,构造了文中提出的混合型路径跟踪控制器。文章从理论上证明了控制律的稳定性,仿真结果表明,所设计的控制律可以保证AUV沿期望路径航行,路径跟踪误差快速收敛。
Aim.Pointing out at the beginning of the full paper what we believe to be the merits and shortcomings of Refs.3 through 6,we propose deriving a new control law for steering an AUV along a predefined path.With the help of Fig.2 in subsection 2.1,which is the schematic of line of sight(LOS) guidance,subsection 2.1 gives eq.(17) to calculate the navigation angle(?)_c shown in Fig.2.Subsection 2.2 derives eq.(22) as the new path following control law and proves its convergence.Section 3 simulates the path follo...