Weber explored on the tensions and conflicts between rationalism and irrationalism, naturalism and anti -naturalism, nationalism and liberalism, this contradiction and conflict is not only the personified reflect of mental nervous, but its highly internalized in his methodology which is controversial and glamorous. On the one hand Weber take value relevance as the priori premise of social science research , on the other hand he claim that we should adhere to Value - neutrality and firmly reject value judgments in the course of the study. The research method of Weber' s ideal type is the crystallization that based on the above considerations , it is a pure form of thought image and a utopia. As the means that measure and compare the reality, with the changes of the reality , we need to construct a new ideal types matched with the reality, the ideal type and reality are continuously develop and replaced in the tension. Needless to say, it is the tension in inherent logic of Weber' s Methodology that make it has a lasting vitality.