Dominant patterns of winter Arctic surface wind variability
- ISSN号:1674-9928
- 期刊名称:Advances in Polar Science
- 时间:2014.4.1
- 页码:246-260
- 分类:P434[天文地球—大气科学及气象学] X16[环境科学与工程—环境科学]
- 相关基金:Acknowledgments Authors arc grateful to Prof. Timo Vihma and the anonymous reviewers for their support and constructive criticism, which helped significantly to improve this paper. Authors thank the IABP and NCEP/NCAR for providing the sea ice motion data and the re-analysis atmospheric data. This study was .jointly supported by the National Key Basic Research Project of China (Grant nos. 2013CBA01804, 2015CB453200), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant nos. 41475080, 41221064), and the Ocean Public Welfare Scientific Research Pro.ject of China (Grant no. 201205007).
- 相关项目:东亚副热带季风变异机理
北极海冰, 地面风, 风变化, 冬季, 导模, 大气环流异常, 海洋表面温度, 年代际变化, Arctic, surface wind pattern, sea ice motion, Arctic dipole anomaly