酱香型白酒糟有机质含量高,营养丰富,经一定的技术措施处理,完全可以栽培食用菌。本实验以酱香白酒糟为添加料,设计4个不同配方栽培姬松茸(Agaricus blazei Murrill),结果表明,配方A(玉米秸秆23%、玉米芯10%、酒糟10%、牛粪37%、麸皮14%、尿素1%、石灰1%、过磷酸钙3%、石膏1%)中姬松茸的生长势、菌丝质量和产量与对照组相比无明显差异。白酒糟可以用于姬松茸的栽培,但在添加量上仍受到一定的局限。
Sauce-aroma-type distillers' grain has high organic matter content and rich nutrition, which can be potentially used for cultivation of edible mushroom after treatment. In this study, we designed 4 different formula of Agaricus blazei Murrill, which included sauce-aroma-type distillers' grain. Compared with control group, there was no significant difference in the growth potential, mycelia quality and yield in formula A, which including corn stalk 23%, corncobs 10%, distiller 10%, cow- dung 37%, bran 10%, carbamide 1%, lime 1%, Ca (H2P04)2 3%, gypsum 1%. The results showed that sauce-aroma-type distillers' grain can be used for cultivation of A. blazei Murril, but with limitations for addition amount.