用原子力显微镜(AFM)对甘草多糖的微观结构进行观察,实验结果表明,甘草多糖主要由葡萄糖、阿拉伯糖和半乳糖组成.甘草多糖分子的稀溶液铺展在Ni^2+处理的云母片上,经干燥,乙醇固定后,获得稳定、重复的图像.甘草多糖分子具有高度分枝的结构,并且糖链间形成环状、柱状或近似于螺旋状的结构.甘草多糖链呈多股紧密的螺旋结构,这种现象可能与该多糖中分子间的Van der Waals相互作用以及糖链间氢键缔合有关.
A method has been developed to give topography of glycyrrhiza polysaccharides by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results showed that glycyrrhiza polysaccharides mainly consist of glucose, arabinose, galactose, but the conclusions about the main chains are different. Aqueous solutions of the polysaccharides are deposited as drops onto Ni^2+ mica surfaces, air dried, and ethanol fixed, and then stable and reproducible images were captured. Glycyrrhiza polysaccharides have a multi-branched structure and a variety of different linkages between adjacent monosaccharides, which compose the small rings and the helical structure. From the images, glycyrrhiza polysaccharides form ordered multiple helical structure. The phenomenon may be related to van der Waals interaction and hydrogen bond of polysaccharide chains.