给出了一类特殊拓扑空间-θ-复形的概念,在θ-复形中讨论了S( n)-闭空间与S( n)-θ-闭空间之间的关系,证明了如果K是S( n)-闭的θ-复形,则K可嵌入S( n)-θ-闭空间中。所得结果回答了Dikranjan与Giuli所提出的公开问题。
A specific topological space-θ-complex was introduced, and the relations between S( n)-closed space and S( n)-θ-closed space were discussed in θ-complex. It was proved that if K is a θ-complex which is S( n)-closed , then K can be embedded in an S( n)-θ-closed space, which gived the answer to the open problem raised by Dikranjan and Giuli.