研究了改性粘土对虾夷扇贝稚贝的急性和慢性影响,探索了改性粘土除藻过程中对虾夷扇贝稚贝的影响。96 h急性毒性实验发现,改性粘土对虾夷扇贝稚贝的半致死浓度为2.3 g/L,安全浓度为0.23 g/L,高于现场使用的浓度0.1 g/L。慢性毒性实验显示,0.1~1.0 g/L的改性粘土对虾夷扇贝稚贝的存活率、壳长和壳高略有影响,但是影响不显著。对稚贝滤食率的研究发现,加入改性粘土会影响其摄食,并且随着改性粘土浓度的增高影响越明显。模拟养殖水体爆发藻华后喷洒改性粘土的实验表明,改性粘土在有效去除藻细胞,改善水体环境的同时,还能使虾夷扇贝稚贝的存活率从22%提高到38%。另外,如采用先改性粘土治理后投放稚贝的策略,稚贝的存活率大大提高,约是对照组的3倍。本文的实验结果说明采取适当的策略和适当用量的改性粘土即可有效去除有害藻华,也对虾夷扇贝稚贝之类的养殖生物无害甚至有益,是一种极具应用前景的藻华治理技术方法。
In present study we investigated the effects of modified clay on the infant of Patinopecten yessoensis. The half lethal concentration( LC50) of modified clay on the infant of P. yessoensis was 2. 3 g/L,and the safe concentration was 0. 23 g / L,which was more than two times higher than the field application concentration( 0. 1 g / L) in 96 h acute toxicity test. The chronic toxicity test showed the influence of modified clay on the survival rate,shell length and height was insignificant when the concentration of clay increased from 0. 1 to 1. 0 g / L. And the feeding of P. yessoensis infant was effected by modified clay,with higher modified clay concentration leading to greater influence. We also studied the effects of P. yessoensis infant when harmful algae( Prorocentrum donghaiense) bloom was controlled by modified clay. Compared with the control,the addition of modified clay improved the survival rate of P. yessoensis from 22% to 38%. Meanwhile,it improved 3 times than control group,when we picked out the P. yessoensis before the addition of clay and then put P. yessoensis into the culture. To sum up,the addition of modified clay not only controlled HABs effectively,but also improved the survival of P. yessoensis infant. It was a meaningful technology to mitigate HABs.