The properties of the weak-coupling magnetopolaron'in semiconductor quantum well were studied by using the linear combination operator and a modified LLP variational method considering the electron spin. The mean number of phonons, the ground state energy of the weak-coupling magnetopolaron and the ratio (absolute value) of the electron spin energy to the ground state energy in an infinite quantum well were derived. Numerical results show that the mean number of phonons increases with enhancing the electron-LO-phonon coupling constant and the well width, and at last approaches to the limiting value of the bulk case; the ground state energy of the magnetopolaron becomes two branches from one branch due to the influence of the electron spin, which decreases with increasing the well width and electron-LO-phonon coupling constant, and it also increases with increasing the cyclotron resonance frequency. It depends on the cyclotron resonance frequency and the properties of the well material whether the effect of the electron spin energy in the quantum well can be neglected.