Taking into account the interaction of an electron with bulk longitudinal-optical (LO) and surface longi- tudinal-optical (SO) phonons, we studied the effective mass of the bound polaron in a polar slab by using the method of Green's function. The effective mass was derived as function of slab thickness, and it reduces with the increase of the slab thickness ; for a very thin slab ( d 〈 5 nm), the effective mass was mainly attributed to the electron-SO pho- non interaction, oppositely, d 〉 10 nm, the effective mass was mainly attributed to the electron-LO phonon interac- tion. But when 5 nm 〈 d 〈 10 nm, all of them must be consider together. Especially, the effective mass increased when there was the Coulomb potential because the interactions between the electrons and phonons was strengthened.