从新疆16个哈密瓜主栽区采集哈密瓜病毒病样品,利用RT-PCR检测黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)。通过蚕豆的单斑分离纯化,获得了新疆12个哈密瓜主栽区的17个CMV分离物。分析这些分离物的寄主反应和全长外壳蛋白基因序列。结果表明,新疆17个CMV分离物属于CMV的ⅠB亚组。总体来看,新疆CMV分离物的进化分簇没有表现出明显的地区适应性,遗传多样性较低。除曼陀罗外,寄主反应与分离物的地理来源没有明显的相关性。新疆CMV分离物的寄主反应与已报道的来自其他国家的CMV分离物有一定的差异。
The samples of Hami melon with virus-infected symptoms were collected from naturally infected plants growing in sixteen of the major melon-growing locations in Xinjiang. RT-PCR was used to detect Cucumber mosaic virus(CMV)in the samples. Seventeen CMV isolates were obtained from 12 major melon-growing locations by repeated single-local-lesion transfers in Vicia faba. Host reaction and sequence analysis of coat protein genes of the 17 CMV isolates were performed in this study. The results showed that the 17 CMV isolates were identified as the members of CMV belonging to subgroupⅠB and exhibited low genetic diversity. Overall,the molecular clustering of CMV isolates from Xinjiang was not well correlated with their geographic origin. Except for Datura stramonium,there were no obvious correlations of host responses to inoculation with CMV isolates from different geographical locations. Host reaction on different hosts revealed some differences compared to the CMV isolates collected from other countries.