Chlorambucil is a good anticanccr drug, it can treat a variety of neoplastic disease, but its efficacy and usage is limited by its low solubility in aqueous solution and easily hydrolyzed characteristics .With a special cavity structure, α-cyclodcxtrin can include small molecules and improve their physical and chemical properties. The experiment studied on the stability of inclusion complexes of chlorambucil and α-cyclodextrin by using molecular simulation. First, the methods of molecular mechanics is used to determine the most stable conformation of the host-guest molecules and their inclusion complexes, then further study on the dynamic structure of host-guest inclusion complexes at room temperature, statistic the structure changes of chlorambucil before and after the simulation. The result shows the potential energy of the inclusion complex decreased obviously, the two inclusion complexes can stable existence, but the II -type conformation is more stable, it is the advantage inclusion conformation.