通过系统的文献收集,汇总了中国红菇属(Russula Pers.)真菌的179个名称记录,并对其生境、用途及分布或分类进行了简述。文献调查表明,红菇属种类广泛分布于中国30个省区。在已报道的红菇属名称记录中,有效名称有159个,包括148种、9变种和2变型,其中新名称1个、新拟汉名8个,无效或不合格名称10个,错拼名称8个,存疑种3个,中国特有种13种,一些种类具有显著的经济价值。
Known species of the genus Russula (Basidiomycota) from China are reviewed, their habitats or utilities and distribution are also discussed. Up to now, 179 names of Russula taxa have been reported. They are distributed in 30 provinces and regions of China. Among them, 148 species (including a new name and 8 new Chinese names), 9 varieties and 2 formae are recognized, 10 are invalidated, 8 misspelled, 3 suspicious and 13 endemic to China. Some species of Russula have high potential of commercial exploitation, and suggestions of strengthening the sustainable utilization are proposed