描述了暗色丝孢真菌一中国大陆新记录属———拟虫囊孢属(Listeromyces),其中腐木拟虫囊孢(Lis-teromyces insignis)在中国大陆首次报道。该种菌采自湖南岳麓山地表枯枝表层,根据采集材料对其进行了详细的形态描述和显微照相。研究标本保存于山东农业大学植物病理标本室(HSAUP)。
Listeromyces insignis,a species new to Mainland China,is reported and illustrated based on the specimen collected from dead branches at Mount Yuelu,Hunan province.This is the first report of the genus Listeromyces in Mainland China.The examined specimen is deposited in the Herbarium of the Department of Plant Pathology,Shandong Agricultural University(HSAUP).