Objective To investigate how self-affirmation effects self-esteem and self-evaluation under different threat-ening conditions. Methods: Study 1 adopted one factor between-subjects design, 40 college students were randomly as-signed into attribute affirmation and control condition, Study 2 added a new factor, social comparison, to investigate the ef-fect of seE-affirmation on the self-threat and self-evaluation under threaten social comparison, in which 100 college students(67 females) were recruited. Results: Participants in the attribute affirmation condition reported higher self-esteemthan participants in the control condition, in other words, affirming one' s positive qualities increased immediate self-esteem(Study 1). In the upward comparison condition, attribute affirmed people suffered less self-threat and described lower self-evaluation than no affirmed people(Study 2). Conclusion: Self-Affirmation on positive qualities promotes self-esteem.