China is an ' outlier' of standard economic theories and system in many aspects, which implies that there are some ' anomalies' behind China's unbalanced growth. From the perspective of finan- cial repression, this paper interprets China's six major facts of economic muhi-dimensional imbalances with- in a unified framework: ( 1 ) rapid capital deepening in the industrial sector; (2) urbanization lagging be- hind industrialization; (3) employment growth falling far behind economic growth; (4)labour compensa- tion growth trailing behind labour productivity growth; (5)continuous deterioration of income distribution from residents to enterprises and government; (6) continuous decline of the ratio of consumption to GDP. These facts about the correlated multi-dimensional imbalance are due to financial repression, under which China's economy suffers from the "structural dynamic inefficiency". The distorted growth pattern cannot be sustained in the future. Therefore, to win the race between "reform" and "crisis", letting interests rate re- fleet capital return is crucial in the expedition of the financial market reform.