After analyzing demagnetization factor and magnetization intensity of wear debris with different morphology, the effect of the wear debris morphology on the equivalent inductance of inductive wear debris sensor is studied. Taking ellipsoid wear debris and cylindrical wear debris for examples, the variation laws of the demagnetization factors of ellipsoid wear debris with different ratio of axis and cylindrical wear debris with different length to diameter ratio are analyzed. The finite element models of the sensor coil and the ferromagnetic wear debris are built. With same volume, spherical wear debris, 4 kinds of ellipsoid wear debris and 3 kinds of cylindrical wear debris are used in the model for computing. And the magnetic field distribution and the rate of change of the sensor coil inductance are got. Both theoretical analysis and computa- tional results show that slender wear debris has low demagnetization factor, high magnetization intensity and large rate of change of coil inductance. If ferromagnetic wear debris has same volume, the inductive wear debris sensor will have effective detection capability for slender wear debris. The results of the test prove that theoretical analysis and finite element computation are correct.