为各种应用提供不同的服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS)保证是下一代高速网络面临的一个重要难题,而服务质量路由(Quality of Service routing,QoSR)则是其中的一项核心技术.本文针对不精确状态信息下的多约束QoSR问题,建立了一种用于求解此类多约束QoSR问题的临界点模型,提出了一种基于距离向量深度的多约束QoS路径选择算法(MCPSA),该算法以已有的QoS路由预计算算法为基础,设法选择一条能够最大程度适应不精确网络状态信息的路径,理论分析表明该算法具有一定的优势.最后,结合已有的路由预计算算法进行了大量的仿真试验,结果表明MCPSA具有很强的问题求解能力,能够有效克服路由状态信息的不确定性.
It is a challenging problem to provide quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees in next generation high-speed network, and the QoS muting is one of the key issues of the problem. For the problem of multi-constrained QoS routing with the inaccurate state information of networks, a critical point model is constructed, and an algorithm based on the depth of the distance vector, MCP- SA,is proposed for the problem. The MCPSA aims to select the path with the minimal depth of distance vector from the paths computed by an existing algorithm for QoS muting pre-computation. Theoretical analysis indicates the performance of the algorithm is superior to that of the other algorithm. Finally, extensive simulations are used to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm for the problem of multi-constrained QoSR with the inaccurate state information.